群馬大学大学院 医学系研究科生命医科学専攻 入学案内2018(英語版)

9Graduate School of Medicine We are studying the role of neurotransmitter GABA in brain functions such as emotion and the properties of GABAergic neurons through the generation and analyses of genetically engineered rodents such as conditional knockout mice and transgenic rats. We are also interested in the relationship between the decits in GABAergic neurons and neuropsychiatric disorders. We have established model mice for schizophrenia or epilepsy and are characterizing them to elucidate the pathogenesis and/or pathophysiology of these disorders.【Keywords】neurotransmitter, GABA, knockout mice, transgenic rats, neuropsychiatric disorders, model mouse The development of molecular targeting drugs has accellerated advances in drug treatment for cancer. Students study the interaction of drugs in the levels of molecular, cellular, tissue, organ and an individual in order to better understand the mechanisms, and challenge translational research that facilitates the translation of ndings from basic science to practical applications, which might lead to new drug discoveries, identication of novel biomarkers, and development of novel anticancer therapies: Students experience a variety of research processes of drug development from genome-wide screening of novel medical seeds to mega-clinical trial to evaluate the ecacy and toxicity of new drugs or therapies.【Keywords】cancer, translational research, drug action mechanisms, genome-based drug discovery, oncology biomarker Nosocomial infections caused by multi-drug resistant (MDR) bacteria have increased and become a worldwide social problem. Our research is focused on the major causative MDR bacteria including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), MDR Pseudomonas aeruginosa and MDR Acinetobactor baumanni . The drug resistances and pathogenecities of MDR bacteria are examined by molecular biological methodology. The molecular mechanisms of bacterial genetic exchange system which is a signicant factor for the spread of drug resistance and virulence genes are also studied.【Keywords】multi-drug resistant bacteria, VRE, MDRP, enterococcus, bacteriocin, conjugative plasmid, transposon Malaria is one of the most life-threatening infections like AIDS and tuberculosis. Our research interest is host-parasite relationship in malaria. Specically, immune responses to malaria parasites and pathogenesis of malaria parasites are analyzed in detail. We aim to develop vaccines and drugs to control malaria by revealing host-parasite relationship from both host and parasite points of view.【Keywords】Malaria, host-parasite relationship, immunity, vaccine Public Health is the art and science to delineate the environmental and social determinants of health, and to reduce the harmful factors and to promote the supportive factors for health through the organized community eorts. Our research topics include, the protective eect of trace elements on the development of cancer and metabolic syndrome, analytical studies of trace elements using HPLC-ICP-MS method, depression screening-test for the suicide prevention, and the epidemiology of the relationship between QOL and insurance system and community organization. We also examine health equity and public health ethics.【Keywords】trace element, selenium, cancer prevention, depression screening, and epidemiology, public health ethics Legal medicine is essentially the application of scientic methods and techniques to matters involving the public: that covers a lot of ground. Every science from chemistry to medicine, from biology to statistics, from dentistry to anthropology, can be a forensic science if it has some applications to the law or public matter. Especially, our group has been focusing on personal identication, which is one of the important matters of legal medicine in Japan. We have performed researches on ABO blood group, which is one of the important genetic markers in human identication. Recently, we have succeeded in identifying the erythroid cell-specic enhancer and found the deletion or impairment of the enhancer element in variant blood type Bm, leading to the development of valuable methods for the genetic diagnosis of Bm based on PCR analysis.【Keywords】Legal medicine, personal identication, ABO blood group, enhancer Medical practices in the clinical setting as one of existential situations are fraught with troublesome problems in terms of actual human ways of life. Clinical ethics is tackling them by, not applying some general principles or abstract doctrines mechanically to every case, but paying close attention to the individual circumstances of each case. We have been involved in the groundwork for the methodology of clinical ethics from the perspective of hermeneutics and philosophy of literature. Ethical problems in preventive medicine, the method of teaching medical ethics, meta-ethical approaches to medical ethics, and critically examining the fundamental concepts such as health and disease, are also of our core concern.【Keywords】clinical ethics, medical ethics, philosophy of medicine, medical ethics educationYuchio YanagawaGenetic and Behavioral NeuroscienceMasahiko NishiyamaMolecular Pharmacology and OncologyHaruyoshi TomitaBacteriologyHajime HisaedaParasitologyHiroshi KoyamaPublic HealthYoshihiko KominatoLegal MedicineKenji HattoriMedical Philosophy and Ethics

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