群馬大学大学院 医学系研究科生命医科学専攻 入学案内2018(英語版)

ContentsA Message from the DeanOutline of Biomedical Sciences()Graduation RequirementsIntroduction of Major Field Description of Research Objectives125678A Message from the Dean Course of Biomedical Sciences (Master’s Program) was installed in 2007 at Graduate School of Medicine. Due to rapid development of life science, medicine, and information science, a possibility of utilizing the advance in bio-medical elds, in such as a bio-correlative industry, drug design, and advanced medicine, has increased. Therefore, Course of Biomedical Sciences was established in order to grow researcher, educator and high-level medical person, who can exercise leadership in life science, medicine and medical eld. In Course of Biomedical Sciences, the interdisciplinary eld of medicine and life science is set as the main object of education and research. Namely, it aims at advancing a life process for analysis from a medical viewpoint, promoting the education and research of the interdisciplinary eld in medicine and medical treatment, learning and developing new medicine and medical technology which aimed at improvement of health and the quality of life, raising advanced medical person, etc. Although the graduates of this Course would be divided into the advanced profession people in each eld, such as researcher, educator, medical person, and industrial person, or into those who go on to Course of Medical Sciences (Doctoral Program), playing an active part as a leader in each eld will be expected, taking advantage of having learned at Course of Biomedical Sciences. 1) Medical Physics Course In Gunma University, heavy-ion cancer therapy was started from 2010 in Heavy-Ion Medical Center uniquely installed in Japan. Medical physicist, who takes charge of the cancer medical treatment using radiation, such as heavy-ion, is very insucient in Japan. So, Medical Physics Course that aimed at cultivation of medical physicist was installed. 2) Asian Nuclear Medicine Graduate Program (ANMEG PROGRAM) This is a special program for foreign student from Asia. The mission of this program is to train specialists in Nuclear Medicine who will become leading clinicians and researchers, both in their home countries and at international level.Dean, Course of  Biomedical SciencesYasuki Ishizaki 1Graduate School of Medicine

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