群馬大学大学院 医学系研究科生命医科学専攻 入学案内2018(英語版)

GUNMA UNIVERSITYGraduate School of MedicineAdmission guidance 20184Graduate School of Medicine4 Curriculum1) Subjects are categorized as Basic Subjects, Practical Subjects, and Research Subjects.2) Basic Subjects are taken in the 1st year. In “required subjects”, basic knowledge on life sciences and medical sciences, and basic techniques necessary in biomedical research will be acquired. In “required elective subjects,” basic biomedical knowledge needed in multiple elds will be acquired (9 credits of required subjects, 4 credits of required elective subjects <10 or more credits for Medical Physics Course>).3) Practical Subjects are electives selected according to research theme and/ or postgraduate career. Practical and applied knowledge needed for specialization and/ or research in chosen elds will be acquired (4 or more credits of Practical Subjects<10 or more credits for Medical Physics Course>).4) In Research Subjects, students will conduct biomedical research in their chosen eld and compose a master’s thesis. They will acquire knowledge and techniques needed to propose and conduct research, and present research ndings (13 credits of Research Subjects).Requirements for degree award-Acquisition of required credits-Successful completion of Master’s thesis review process and passing nal examinationOutline of Biomedical Sciences (Master’s Program)

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