群馬大学大学院 医学系研究科生命医科学専攻 入学案内2018(英語版)

Introduction to Clinical SciencesPhilosophyBasic Scientic LanguageStatistical InformaticsBio-Scientic TrainingAnatomyAnalytical PhysiologyBiomolecular ChemistrySocio-Environmental MedicineLaboratory Animal Sciencesubtotal(10 subjects)Molecular and cellular biologyAn Introduction to PathologyBacteriology & Infection ControlNeuroscience lectureReproduction, Regeneration and DevelopmentInformational ManagementInternational Public HealthIon beam technology for bioengineeringDrug DiscoveryClinical Trial and ResearchExercises in Genomic MedicineRihabilitation Medicine & Sociologysubtotal(12 subjects)Biomedical Scineces MethodologyBiomedical Sciences ResearchResearch Discussion Seminarsubtotal(3 subjects)1111111111-222222222222-1~21~22--22221902101132222222100010022222222222224024○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○5Graduate School of MedicineGraduation RequirementssubdivisionBasicPracticalresearchSubjectDegreeMaster(Biomedical Science)RequiredtermsStudents should 1) obtain units described above, 2) write a dissertation withmentors’ guidance, and 3) pass the thesis defense.unitsTeaching methodsCurriculumAnacademicyearselectableRequiredsubjectsRequiredsubjectsElectivesubjectsTechnicalCourseLectureSeminartotal(25 subjects)--RemarksTake all theserequired subjectsTake 2 subjects for 4units or more.required subjects Take more than 2 out of 5 subjects for 4 units or more. ※「Analytical Physiology」corresponds to "Interative Physiology" or "Neurophysiology"terms per yearschool weeks per termstime of one classtwo terms15 weeks60-90 minutesAsian Nuclear Medicine Graduate Program (ANMEG Program)(Special Programmes with MEXT Scholarships Guaranteed for International Students)This program started in autumn 2013.The mission of this program is to train specialists in Nuclear Medicine destined to become leading clinicians and researchers, both in their home countries and at the international level.Applicants eligible for the Master’s Course are individuals licensed as radiologic technologists or who have completed a Bachelor’s Course in natural sciences in their home countries. Technologists and researchers based in universities and university hospitals are preferred, but this is not an absolute requirement.URL:http://www.med.gunma-u.ac.jp/en/anmeg/ANMEG_Program.pdf

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