群馬大学大学院 医学系研究科生命医科学専攻 入学案内2019(英語版)

10Graduate School of MedicineDescription of Research Objectives According to the change of life style and an increase in aged population, the prevalence of hypertension, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome is rapidly increasing. These changes lead to the increase in cardiovascular disease such as myocardial infarction, stroke and heart failure. This department has been interested in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and heart failure. In addition, this department aims to identify the molecular target to prevent or treat the fatal arrhythmia. Furthermore, we are interested in the molecular mechanism of pulmonary brosis. Since the completion of human genome sequence determination, life science enters into post-genome era that make possible development of tailor-made medicine, and advances in high-throughput genotyping herald a rapid expansion of genomic information in human disease. Recently, this department has been interested in the identication of biomarkers that have incremental value for prevention of cardiovascular and pulmonary disease, and key molecules that are targetable by drugs. With identication of putative risk alleles for heart failure or pulmonary brosis, the next step will be exploration of the function of the genes and prospective clinical trials evaluating the benets of genotype-directed treatment of cardiovascular and pulmonary disease.【Keywords】vascular biology, atherosclerosis, heart failure, myocardial infarction, transcription factors Clinical and basic researches for allergy and respiratory diseases are needed more than ever in our aging society. We try to investigate the pathogenesis of these diseases to make them clear. Our oncology unit is focusing on the basic and clinical research for lung cancer. Using genetically modied mice, research for refractory respiratory diseases such as asthma, COPD and lung brosis have been investigated. 【Keywords】lung cancer, allergic respiratory disease, COPD, lung brosis, infectious lung disease In Gastroenterology Unit, we investigate the development of endoscopic diagnosis and therapy for gastrointestinal tumor and pathophysiology of gastroesophageal reux disease (GERD), esophageal motility disorder, using high resolution manometry (HRM) and intraluminal impedance & pH monitoring and “association between inammatory bowel disease and cellular stress response”. In Hepatology Unit, we investigate the pathogenesis of viral hepatitis, hepatocarcinogenesis, liver brosis and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, using animal models such as knockout mice, and analyzed clinical samples to establish new methods of the diagnosis and therapy. 【Keywords】gastrointestinal tumor,GERD, esophageal motility disorder, high resolution manometry, hepatocarcinogenesis,      non-alcoholic steatohepatitis Cancer, and apoplexy and myocardial infarction due to arteriosclerosis, which account for two thirds of deaths in Japan, are caused by abnormalities of endocrine and metabolic systems, various gene mutations, and/or viral infection. We have investigated the pathogenesis of these disorders using animal models such as knockout mice, and examined gene abnormalities of samples obtained from the surgery to establish new methods of the diagnosis and therapy. 【Keywords】lifestyle-related diseases, endocrine-metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus, respiratory allergy disorders,      hepatometabolic-digestive disorders We are studying the molecular mechanisms of glomerular and tubulointerstitial injuries and renal tubular regeneration and trying to develop how to control renal injuries and regeneration. We are also examining the role of dendritic cells in renal diseases and autoimmune diseases. To investigate these research questions, we are using genetically modied animals and animal models of human diseases in vivo and several kinds of cultured cells in vitro. In addition, we are exploring and evaluating biomarkers for diagnosis or prognosis of renal and rheumatic diseases, using patients’ urine and tissue samples.【Keywords】nephrology, rheumatology, autoimmune disease, regeneration medicine, biomarkers We study genetic polymorphism and epigenome, comprehensive analysis of RNA, non-coding RNA, microRNA by Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), the carbohydrate metabolism to elucidate the mechanism of the development and the progression of hematologic malignancies. We also conduct study about genetic polymorphism relevant to opportunistic infection in HIV patients, genome wide analysis in congenital coagulation disorder in cooperation with other institutions including in foreign countries. Student will learn NGS, gene introduction into tumor cells and methods of clinical statistics to search a factor associated with disease development, taking advantage of hematologic disorder to be easy to obtain a specimen from human.【Keywords】hematologic malignancy, genome, epigenome, coagulation disorder, HIV, next generation sequencerClinical MedicineMasahiko KurabayashiCardiovascular Medicine (Internal Medicine)Masahiko KurabayashiRespiratory Medicine (Internal Medicine)Masanobu YamadaEndocrinology and Metabolism (Internal Medicine)Keiju HiromuraNephrology and Rheumatology (Internal Medicine)Masahiko KurabayashiHematology (Internal Medicine)Toshio UraokaGastroenterology and Hepatology (Internal Medicine)GUNMA UNIVERSITYGraduate School of MedicineAdmission Guide 2019

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