群馬大学 外国人留学生のための入学案内2017

11Graduate School Entrance Examination/大学院入試Contact supervisor1指導希望教員との連絡2345Qualications assessment(if required)資格審査(必要な者のみ)Application出 願Screening exam選抜試験Announcement of results結果発表①Contact supervisor/指導希望教員との連絡②Qualications assessment (if required)/資格審査(必要な者のみ)③Application/出願The entrance examination for each graduate (research) course varies depending upon the course. The following is meant to serve as a general outline. Prospective students should refer to the website on page 3 for each particular graduate (research) course for further details. 大学院の入試は各研究科により異なります。概要は以下のとおりです。詳細情報については各研究科Webサイト(P3)等でご確認ください。Send a letter stating your request for research guidance to the faculty member of your preference. You can find the appropriate address for the faculty member by contacting the offices of each graduate (research) course directly. With regard to the research areas of concentration for each faculty member, please refer to the website of the individual graduate (research) course.  指導を希望する教員に、研究指導等について事前に連絡をとっておいてください。指導を希望する教員の連絡先は各研究科事務担当にお問いあわせください。また、各教員の研究分野等については、各研究科Webサイトから検索できます。For the sake of conrming an applicant’s qualications, each graduate (research) course has established deadlines (see the attached table for details). It is necessary to provide an Entrance Qualification Examination Application prior to the deadline for the course you wish to enter. 出願資格の確認のために、各研究科の期日(一覧表参照)までに、入学資格審査申請書を提出する必要があります。Be sure to file your application in accordance with the established deadlines for your preferred graduate course (see attached table for details). The following materials are required:■Application for admission (on the forms designated by your preferred graduate (research) course).■A certificate of your graduation from the last University you attended, as well as transcript.■A certicate of your nationality and / or resident status if currently residing in Japan.■An outline of your past research achievements and your intentions for future research activities.■Two photographs (4cm×3cm)■Testing fee (30,000)■Authorization document from the head of the department of your current academic institution, or place of employment, when applicable. 各研究科の期日(一覧表参照)までに出願してください。出願に際し必要な書類は概ね次のとおりです。■入学願書(各研究科所定の用紙)■最終出身学校の卒業証明書、学業成績証明書■国籍及び在留資格を証明するもの■従来の研究内容及び今後の研究計画概要■写真(タテ4cm×ヨコ3cm 2枚)■検定料(30,000円)■在学中及び在職中の場合は、所属長の承諾書

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