群馬大学 外国人留学生のための入学案内2017

13Admission for Research students/研究生Qualication出願資格Application出願Screeningmethod選抜方法Announcementof the result結果発表Admissionperiod入学時期Education教育学Bachelor/Master's Degree学士/修士修了レベルAs applicable随時Interview, Document screening面接、書類選考As applicable随時As applicable随時Social and Information Studies社会情報学Bachelor/Master's Degree学士/修士修了レベルOctober~January10月~1月May~June5月~6月Document screening書類選考As applicable随時Start from Apr.4月入学Start from Oct.10月入学Medicine医学Medicine医学Bachelor/Master's Degree学士/修士修了レベルAs applicable随時Interview, Document screening面接、書類選考As applicable随時As applicable随時Health Sciences保健学Science and Technology理工学As applicable随時Interview, Document screening面接、書類選考As applicable随時As applicable随時Institute for Molecular and Cellular Regulation生体調節研究所As applicable随時Document screening書類選考As applicable随時As applicable随時Gunma University has the system of research student which an applicant permits to study in specialized research eld after screening if the university has enough capacity of education and research.With regard to the admissions application periods and the screening methods, etc., situations vary depending upon the course for which you wish to be admitted. The following table is meant to serve as a general outline. Be sure to confirm the details on the website of the particular faculty and course that you are considering. In order to proceed smoothly with regard to professional guidance in your preferred eld of research after being admitted, you should determine your field of research and laboratory after you have established contact with a faculty member who deals with your preferred eld of concentration.The following materials are required:■Application for admission (on the forms designated by your preferred graduate / research course).■A certicate of your graduation from the last school you attended,as well as transcript.■A letter of recommendation from your direct supervisor, or from the president of the school where you carried out your eld work, a formal request, letter of recommendation, or similar document issued by the Foreign Ministry, a diplomat or an embassy, consulate or diplomatic mission in Japan.■A certied copy of a certicate varying your nationality and / or the resident status if currently residing in Japan.■An outline of your past research achievements and your intentions for future research activities.■Photographs (4cm×3cm, the number varies depending upon the course) .■Testing fee (9,800)■Authorization document confirming your status as a student, or employee, from the head of the department of your current academic institution, or place of employment. 本学において、特定の専門事項について研究することを志願する者に、本学の教育研究に支障のない場合に限り、選考の上、研究を許可する制度です。出願期間及び選抜方法等については各学部・研究科によって異なります。概要は下記の表のとおりですが、詳細については各学部・研究科のWebサイト等で確認してください。また、入学後にスムーズに研究が進められるよう、研究しようとする専門科目について指導を希望する教員とよく連絡をとった上で、研究分野・研究室を決定してください。なお、出願に際し必要な書類は概ね次のとおりです。■入学願書(各学部所定の用紙)■最終出身学校の卒業証明書■大学及び大学院の成績証明書■指導教員の推薦書または最終出身学校長の推薦書、外務省、外交官又は日本にある外国公館等の発行する依頼書・推薦書等■国籍及び在留資格を証明するもの■従来の研究内容及び今後の研究計画の概要■写真(タテ4cm×ヨコ3cm、枚数は学部により異なる)■検定料:9,800■在学中及び在職中の場合は、所属長の承諾書

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