群馬大学 外国人留学生のための入学案内2017

17Gunma University cooperates with the “Comprehensive Renters Insurance” program. If an international student is registered to this insurance program, Gunma University becomes the guarantor, and the student can then rent a private apartment by signing an occupancy contract. Also, in the event that a fire caused by negligence occurs in an occupied housing unit of an international student, and if the student is forced to pay compensation to the owner of the apartment, or if the occupant falls into arrears over rental payments and the guarantor is requested to assume responsibility for paying these guaranteed liabilities to the owner, the guarantor can carry out the compensation directly to the owner. 群馬大学は、留学生住宅総合補償の協力校です。この保険に留学生が加入すれば、群馬大学が保証人となり、民間アパートの入居契約ができます。また、留学生が借用個室の失火等で家主等に対して損害賠償をしなければならない場合や、家賃の未払い等により保証人が家主から保証債務の履行請求を受けた場合に補償を行うことができます。Comprehensive Renters Insurance/留学生住宅総合補償Scholarships/奨学金The following scholarships are available for international students studying in Japan. 外国人留学生に対しては、次のような奨学金があります。Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship /文部科学省外国人留学生学習奨励費This scholarship is available to highly qualied international students studying in Japanese universities at their own expense. The monthly stipends are 48,000 yen. In June 2017, 5 students from Gunma University are to be qualied for this scholarship. 日本の大学に入学後、優秀な私費外国人留学生に対して、月額48,000円の奨励金を支給する制度です。群馬大学では、平成29年度は6月現在で5名受給する予定です。Other Scholarships /民間奨学団体奨学金等Private organizations provide scholarships for highly qualified international students studying in Japanese universities at their own expense. The monthly stipends range from 30,000 yen to 200,000 yen by the organization. In June 2017, 18 students from Gunma University are qualied for these scholarships. 日本の大学に入学後、優秀で意欲のある私費外国人留学生に民間団体が奨学金を支給する制度を設けています。月額は30,000円~200,000円など様々です。群馬大学では平成29年6月現在で18名受給しています。Japanese Government Scholarships /日本国政府(文部科学省)による奨学金In 2017, the monthly stipends are 143,000~145,000 yen for postgraduate students and 117,000 yen for undergraduate students. For further details, please inquire at the Japanese Embassy in your country. As of June 2017, 44 students of Gunma University are qualied for the scholarships. 平成29年度は、研究留学生に対して、月額143,000~145,000円、学部留学生に対して、月額117,000円が支給されます。詳細については、自国の日本国大使館等に問いあわせてください。群馬大学では、平成29年6月 現在では44名受給しています。Other expenses/その他In addition, expenses for food (approx.30,000 to 50,000 a month), textbooks and materials, as well as other miscellaneous costs should be taken into account. 1ケ月の食費(約30,000円~50,000円)、教材費(実費)など様々な経費が必要です。Tutorial system/チューター制度International students often run into diculties studying or conducting their research after they start their academic study life in Japan. Gunma University provides a Tutorial System for those students. A tutor and an international student pair up and conduct periodical activities. Tutors support their partner students in their studies and/or research. International students are encouraged to take advantage of this system not only to assist them in their studies but to broaden communication opportunities with many other students. 日本で留学をはじめたばかりの留学生の皆さんにとって、日本の大学での勉強や研究には戸惑うことも少なくありません。そのため、群馬大学では、チューター制度を設けています。チューターの学生と留学生がペアになって、ペアごとに定期的な活動を行ないます。留学生の皆さんは、勉強のためだけではなく、大学内での人間関係を広げることができます。

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