群馬大学 外国人留学生のための入学案内2017

22Experience/体験談I would like to thank for my professor for allowing me to study in Gunma University. Studying in Gunma University is very good opportunity to develop myself professionally and personally. Supportive colleagues and stuff of Gunma University, fully equipped laboratory, 24 hour working library and pleasant environment are encourages me study hard. I feel lucky to study in here. Firstly, Japan is the one of developed country and they have a very interesting culture. When I was in my country, I used to watch NHK world then I started to have an interest in Japan. I hope once I learn Japanese language, I will have a chance to know more about Japanese culture deeply. Gunma university's one of the advantage is Japanese language course for international students. Teachers are professional and have a many years' experience with teaching Japanese. In the beginning, I could not attend Japanese class every week because I could not manage the experiment and studying time. Now I have started to make the time for Japanese class. It refresh me and learn more about Japan. Secondly, who prefer quite place and nature, Maebashi /Gunma University locates in Gunma prefecture, Maebashi city/ is good place to live. The city has high mountains. In autumn, colorful leaves make very beautiful view. One of my favorite thing in here is natural hot spring in Gunma prefecture. I enjoy and relax in the hot spring sometime. Of course, here is a lot of enjoying and relaxing place to spend my spare time such as beautiful park, riverside and shrine. Graduate Student,Graduate School of Medicine,医科学専攻【モンゴル出身】

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