群馬大学 外国人留学生のための入学案内2017

24Experience/体験談Being a medical doctor (M.D) from Syria, and a 1st year-Master student in one of the best universities in Germany, it was absolutely irrational to all my friends when they heard that I'm going to leave the Master program, the chance of having German permanent residency, and go Japan! to the other part of the planet, to do Ph.D in Gunma University.To me, Japan has always been the far, mysterious place I would like to know more about. So, after being accepted in the doctoral program in Gunma University, Graduate school of Medicine, funded by MEXT Japanese government scholarship, I realized that the next four years in my life are going to be the most exciting, and I should leave everything and follow this mysterious path.I arrived in Japan on September 2016, and the great journey has started then. When I arrived, I could say three words in Japanese: hello, thank you and draft beer! Since these are the most important words to me. That's why; of the university. It was all arranged perfectly to make me feel at home. I had the easiest new work start ever, strict work environment in Japan appeared to be wrong to me. As international student, Gunma University staff is well prepared to help you academically and even socially, and absorb the cultural shock that some students might It was very hard to me when I started doing the experiments, since I am a Medical Doctor trained in Aleppo University in a way that builds very good physicians, but not scientists. First, this made me feel stressed and embarrassed. I really want to be a scientist, I said to myself, but it might be too late to start something new. My supervisors realized that, and treated me in a way made me understand teaching mentality here: it is perfectly on it. This way of thinking made me feel no pressure at all, and gave me the chance to focus only on studying, and bridge all the gaps that I had when I came. The strict rule in Japanese culture is helping each other, respecting people and being nice to everyone. This made me feel that I am warmly welcomed as a foreigner. student who would like to live “out of the box" to take this step. Abdallah MshatyGraduate Student,Graduate School of Medicine,医科学専攻【シリア出身】

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