群馬大学 外国人留学生のための入学案内2017

1群馬大学へようこそGunma University is located approximately 100 km northwest of Tokyo.The university is composed of 4 faculties : Education, Social and Information Studies, Medicine, and Science and Technology. Currently, 6,550 students are enrolled, including 247 international students. Of these 247 students from overseas, 143 enrolled in the School of Science and Technology, 55 in the Medical Faculty, 34 in the Social and Information Studies Faculty, and 15 in the Education Faculty. There are also 28 foreign exchange students from sister universities overseas studying on the campuses. (As of May 1, 2017)Gunma prefecture is located on the northern boundary of the Kanto Plain. As winter changes into spring, a strong and dry seasonal wind we call the Karakaze blows across the plains from the mountains. This area is also known for its fantastic displays of thunder and lightning during the summer. Gunma’s duration of sunshine throughout the course of one year is the longest in Japan, with approximately 5 days out of each week being clear and sunny. Gunma is also famous for its hot springs resorts, such as Kusatsu and Ikaho, which tend to be located in majestic natural settings deep in the mountains.We hope that you will consider making some of your dreams come true as you pursue your education with us on the campuses of Gunma University. 群馬大学は、東京から北西に約100kmに位置し、教育学部、社会情報学部、医学部、理工学部の4学部で構成しています。現在、6,550人の学生が在籍し、そのうち外国人留学生は247人です。理工学部に143人、医学部に55人、社会情報学部に34人、教育学部に15人が所属し、日夜研究に励んでいます。また、海外の様々な協定校から28 人が交換留学生として学んでいます。(2017年5月1日現在) 群馬県は関東平野の北に位置し、冬から春に吹きまくる空っ風(季節風)と夏の豪快な雷を名物とし、日照時間が日本全国で最も長く、週の5日は快晴で、草津や伊香保など温泉も多く立地する自然豊かな地です。皆さん、自分の夢の実現に向けて、群馬大学で学んでみませんか?elcome to Gunma UniversityWAramaki CampusShowa CampusKiryu CampusOta Campus

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