新潟県立大学 大学院案内 2025 国際地域学研究科

●●●●●●ReferenceFall Enrollment[ Eligible students ][ Number of recipients ][ Grant amount ][ Screening period ]2024Admissions July 1 (Mon.) 2024 -July 11 (Thu.) 2024SummerOctober 28 (Mon.) 2024 -November 7 (Thu.) 2024FallSpringDecember 23 (Mon.) 2024 -January 9 (Thu.) 2025Application fee: 30,000 YenEnrollment fee: 141,000 Yen (for Niigata residents*) ; 282,000 Yen (non-residents) *Applicants, Applicant spouses or relatives falling into the first degree of kinship of the Applicants, have to have permanent addresses in Niigata for at least ONE year prior to their enrollment at the Graduate School to be qualified as Niigata residents.Tuition fee: 535,800 Yen (one year) The Graduate School has scholarship programs.Please see the item below and the Graduate School website for detailed information: (URL:https://gs-unii.ac.jp/) First year and Second year2 each¥225,000 each (yearly) October (regardless of studentsʼ starting date at the graduate school)July 27 (Sat.) 2024November 30 (Sat.) 2024January 26 (Sun.) 2025December 6 (Fri.) 2024January 31 (Fri.) 2025August 2 (Fri.) 2024October, 2024 AdmissionApril, 2025 AdmissionApril, 2025 AdmissionOctober, 2025 AdmissionCategoryApplication PeriodAdmissions Office TEL: +81-25-270-1311 FAX: +81-25-270-5173 E-mail: gs-unp@unii.ac.jpAdmission ExaminationAnnouncement OfExamination ResultsEnrollment Period14Information for 2024 (Fall Enrollment) Admissions and 2025 Admissions The Graduate School of the University of Niigata Prefecture Scholarship (Grant) Information for AdmissionsⅠ. Admission Categories: Recommendation, General Admissions, Professionals, International Students 〈Number of students to be admitted〉 2024 Fall Enrollment Admissions: a few 2025 Admissions: 10 *Regarding International Students with the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program recommended by Japanese Embassy,  please see the Graduate School website. (URL:https://gs-unii.ac.jp/)Tuition, Other Fees and Scholarship●●Ⅱ. Admission Schedules Ⅲ. Selection Scheme●Recommendation: (1) English (2) Interview (note): Recommendation from university supervisor requiredGeneral Admissions: (1) Academic subjects (essay questions*) (2) English (3) Interview●Professionals: (1) Academic subjects (essay questions*) (2) English (3) Interview●International Students: (1) Academic subjects (essay questions*) (2) English (3) Interview●*Submit together with application documents when you apply. Essay topics can be uploaded from the Graduate School website. (URL:https://gs-unii.ac.jp/) Unforeseeable circumstances may result in changes in the admission schedule and guidelines.Please note that in case any changes are made, the Graduate School website andthe booklet of the "Application Guidebook" will be updated with the latest information. (URL:https://gs-unii.ac.jp/)

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