青森県立保健大学 大学院案内(英語版)

A person who is aware of issues relating to health science and is motivated to deeply un-derstand and search for the truth.A person who has the basic ability to set his/her own research theme con-cerning the field of health, medical care and welfare, interpret the results, and present them.A person who has the motivation to contribute to society as a researcher, educator, leader and/or administrator in the field of health, medical care and welfare.1235To foster human resources that can realize and practice the philosophy of Aomori University of Health and Welfare, and who can acquire sophisticated research abilities that enable them to play an active- role within institutions, such as research/educational institutions and related specialized institutions, the university seeks to enroll students who have the qualities listed below:Our program consists of three parts, Basic Subjects, Specialized Subjects and Doctoral Thesis with an aim to obtain sophisticated research ability relating to health, medical care and welfare and to dissemi-nate research results that can benefit society.We offer special lectures and classes, including learning opportunities of cutting-edge knowledge and technology so that students are able to conduct in-depth research in their own fields, including health/medical care/welfare systems, interpersonal care management and basic research/practical skill.Building on the common and specialized courses, students will complete and present their doctoral thesis regarding the research topic they selected. Research requires awareness, idea, method and practice of themes beyond specific professions. Therefore we offer cross-sectional research fields ("Department of Public Health Social Welfare Policy", "Department of Applied Health and Life Sciences" and "Basic Research and Practical Technologies") in consideration of the various range of subjects and locations of practice and research.A doctoral degree is awarded to students who have earned the credits specified by the Aomori University of Health and Welfare regulation, and those who passed the final review of their thesis. They have the ability to analyze, both scientifically and theoretically, various themes relating to health, medi-cal care and welfare and have succeeded in deeply understanding, pursuing the truth, and sharing this knowledge with society.Common SubjectsWe offer advanced courses for three research fields so that students are able to learn about the meth-odology which serves as a foundation of research, from a multidisciplinary perspective, along with other courses where students are able to understand the philosophy and acquire specialized knowl-edge about "Human Care" which is a primary educational goal of our university.Specialized SubjectsDoctoral ThesisCurriculum PolicyDiploma PolicyDoctoral CourseAdmission Policy

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