123456Masterʼs degree is awarded to students who have completed the research ethics education, and those who are considered qualified for the award. Based on the Diploma Policy, students are comprehensively evaluated through their masterʼs thesis, final examination (oral examination) and public scrutiny in accor-dance with the below evaluation standards:Masterʼs Thesis Evaluation Standards(Special Research or Guided Research)(1)The goal and purpose of the research is clearly identified.(2)The problem and background of the research theme is thoroughly analyzed with the use of docu- ments and reference materials, and the issues are correctly understood.(3)The method of the research (selection of the subject, method of investigation, data analysis, etc.) is appropriate.(4)The explanation and observation of the results obtained are reasonable and appropriate.(5)The overall thesis is well-structured, and the content is both logical and consistent.(6)The thesis has a unique value from a theoretical or empirical viewpoint in the relevant field of research.(7)Research is conducted ethically.Final Examination (Oral Examination) Evaluation Standards1)Master’s Thesis(1)The effort and achievement of the Master’s Thesis has attained a certain level. (2)The explanations and the answers to questions regarding the Master’s Thesis are accurate and logical.(3)The student has acquired broad knowledge, sufficient level of research skill and specialized knowledge of their field of research, to engage in professions that require sophisticated expertise.2)Guided Research(1)The effort and achievement of the guided research has attained a certain level. (2)The explanations and the answers to questions regarding the research are accurate and logical.(3)The student has acquired sufficient level of knowledge and skill regarding advanced nursing characterized by the integration of "care" and "cure".Public Scrutiny Evaluation Standards(Special Research and Guided Research)(1)The thesis and the content of the presentation are consistent.(2)The presentation is clear and effective for listeners to be able to deepen their knowledge.(3)The presenter has accurate and logical answers to the questions asked.Evaluation SystemThe evaluation of the thesis and the final examination will be conducted by the evaluation committee composed of one member as the chairman and two or more members as the vice-chairman selected by the graduate school committee.Evaluation MethodA pass shall be awarded to a thesis that is considered to have attained a certain level on all of the above-mentioned standards, based on a comprehensive evaluation with full consideration of each fieldʼs expertise and the thesisʼs characteristic.Evaluation Standard of Aomori University of Health and Welfare Graduate School of HealthScience Masterʼs Programs
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