青森県立保健大学 大学院案内(英語版)

We will offer online courses so that students will be able to learn effectively from a remote location.Please make sure you have access to the internet and a PC before you start your school year.8535,500 Yen30,000 Yen225,600 Yen338,400 YenInitial PaymentAdmission FeeStudents are required to submit the below admission fee at the time of admission procedure.Students residing within the prefectureStudents residing outside the prefecture"Students residing within the prefecture" are those whom he/she, his/her spouse or a first-degree relative has lived within Aomori Prefecture from 1 year prior to the date of entrance. All others are considered as "Students residing outside the prefecture".Off-campus Training Fee (Applicable only for CNS Course)Some of the incurred fees relating to off-campus training will be charged as Off-campus Training Fee. Please submit the payment at the time of admission procedure.Off-campus Training FeeTuition FeeAnnual Fee(401,850 Yen for long term enrollment course)Payment Method Submit payment in two installments:the first semester (by Apr.30) and the second semester (by Oct.31).Other than the above, you will need to submit the supportersʼ association and alumni association membership fees. There may also be additional fees such as antibody testingfor infectious diseases.※The above fees are subject to change.TuitionInternet Environment and Personal Computers

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