
Schools and DepartmentsInformation Systems CourseThis course is intended to foster the development of individuals capable of creating user-friendly information systems based on education at the cutting edge of the two major system development technologies of networks and databases.Advanced ICT Course This course provides a six-year unied undergraduate/graduate studies program. It is intended to foster the development of individuals with the capacity to design and implement advanced software systems for the industrial world.Information Design CourseThis course provides cutting-edge learning opportunities in design theory, human interfaces and other information design elds, as well as in information and cognitive science. It is intended to foster the development of individuals capable of shaping the future of information design.Complex Systems CourseThis course is intended to foster the development of individuals capable of developing creative systems based on high-level education in complex systems to oer new and heuristic perspectives, together with knowledge on information and mathematical science as well as practical information processing skills.Intelligent Systems CourseThis course is intended to foster the development of next-generation information systems engineers based on education in articial intelligence and hardware technology (advanced information science) together with cognitive science, information expression and other research elds.The number of problems that are dicult to analyze or control directly in modern society is increasing due to environmental issues and a variety of other human factors linked by complex relationships. In this context, computer-intensive analysis and design for the creation of future social systems is essential, as is a proper understanding of human cognition mechanisms. This department seeks to foster the development of individuals capable of future societal design based on education in the analysis/operation of large complex systems and the construction of articial world/articial intelligence systems.Complex Systems Science and Intelligent Systems education for future societal designPursuing the joys of research – a trend at Future University HakodateSchool of Systems Information ScienceDepartment of Complex and Intelligent SystemsThe importance of information design in the accurate provision of information is increasing in today’s world. For example, the systems that support banking and airline ticketing are essential parts of modern society, and there is always a need for people to create and improve the implementation of such large-scale infrastructure. Against such a background, this department seeks to foster the development of individuals capable of designing and structuringinformation system interfaces and mechanisms.An overview of Information Systemsdesign and structureSchool of Systems Information ScienceDepartment of Media ArchitectureGraduate School of Systems Information ScienceComplex Systems Information Science eldThis eld gives students the chance to explore fundamental theories on complex systems from the dual perspectives of both the natural sciences and computer science, with the goal of understanding complex systems analysis methods for real-world phenomena.Intelligent Information and Science eldSubjects covered in this eld include basic elements of human advanced intelligent processing and cognition, such as understanding and learning, and autonomous advanced intelligent science systems.Media Architecture eldIn this eld, students learn about media system construction technology and the development/operation of information systems.Media Design eldIn this eld, students learn about the theory and practice of information design and media content construction technology.Advanced ICT eld In this eld, students improve their ability to apply innovative design and sophisticated implementation as a way of opening paths to the future with ICT.The Graduate School of Systems Information Science (oering master’s and doctoral programs) was established to support further exploration of undergraduate research subjects. A signicant number of FUN students advance to the graduate school to improve their career prospects in research and other elds. Harmony between people and computersMaster’s (2 years) and doctoral (3 years) programs are oered in each eld. Students acquire the skills and knowledge needed by engineers on master’s courses and improve their expertise as researchers on doctoral courses. Five research eldsAs of May, 2020The Number of Students●Undergraduate 1085●Master 111●Docter 34The Number of Faculty Members●Professors 43●Associate Professors 27FUTURE UNIVERSITY HAKODATE03

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