
Interdisciplinary Research FieldResearch KeywordsSystems Information Science is an interdisciplinary research eld formed in an emergent manner in the process of interaction among dierent but loosely related elds of specialization. Signicant eorts in the eld are made to integrate knowledge of natural, cultural and social sciences. Teaching sta who constantly seek involvement with the real world promote the concept of interdisciplinary science throughout the university, and the resulting academic culture opens the way for various approaches toward the resolution of issues faced by the world and regional communities.Future University Hakodate encourages teachers in dierent elds of specialization to launch interdisciplinary group projects. It operates an internal subsidy program to support research projects (including large-scale strategic and priority initiatives representing the university’s agship work, seed research, the study of new educational methods and research based on social collaboration) for periods of one to three years. There is also a system for the establishment of research bases called collaborative laboratories (co-labs) for projects on which sustainable activity and achievements can be expected. ComplexSystemsSocialInformaticsBioinformaticsInformationScienceIntelligenceDesignMathematicalScienceHumanInterfaceCognitiveScienceInformationDesignInformation SystemsInformationComputersEducationHealthcareTourismMarine ITTransportationIoTArtificialIntelligenceWelfareData ScienceChaos &FractalFUTURE UNIVERSITY HAKODATE04

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