Kobe University Newsletter Kaze Vol.10

QQQQingdao (previously romanized as Tsingtao) is a port city located on the southern coast of Shandong peninsula. It is home to a population of approximately 9.5 million. Lots of architecture from the German occupation still remains and the scenery and culture lend the city a unique atmosphere. Tsingtao beer, a non-bitter lager, is famous.People’s Republic of ChinaInternational voicesQAt Prambanan temple in Java.The surface of an olfactory sensillum of a fruit y. Sydney in May 2018 during his study abroad in Australia. He previously studied at the University of Canberra. What were you doing before you came to Kobe University?This was quite a while ago but I read the novel Parasite Eve which made me realize how miraculous animal’s cellular structures are and I became interested in how these come into being according to the law from genes to behavior. This made me want to learn about evolution. So, I researched animal evolution at the Prefectural University of Hiroshima. The model organism I researched was Capsaspora, which is one of the closest unicellular relatives to multicellular animals. Then to provide background knowledge for researching evolution, I decided that I wanted to know more about the how an initially single cell (zygote) constructs multicellular architectures via dierentiation. So I entered Kobe University where I can conduct research that matches my interests. What kind of research are you doing at Kobe University?I am researching embryology and morphology mechanisms using common fruit ies. To be more specic, I am investigating the nanostructure formation mechanism on the surface of their exoskeletons. For example, morpho butteries have colorful wings, which do not actually have any pigment. Instead, the surface structure is strictly ordered to reect the same length waves to produce colors. However, various methodological issues need to be overcome in order to research the nanostructures of morpho butteries. Therefore, I am conducting experiments using the common fruit y, which is a model organism that can be genetically manipulated. It is dierent from the previous research I was conducting on a unicellular organism. Cultivating fruit ies involves keeping the room at a warm temperature and changing the vials frequently to keep their “cells” comfortable, so maybe I need “antennae” to receive updates on their living conditions.What surprised you when you first came to Japan?I thought the streets were very clean. There are litter bins in my home town but I was surprised that in Japan, the streets are kept clean even in areas where there are no litter bins. Also, I have travelled to many countries but Japan is without a doubt the safest.What are your future goals?I would like to continue conducting research. Within the big topic of evolution, I’m interested in the gene that unicellular organisms have that is necessary for dierentiation in multicellular organisms, and how it functions. If I can illuminate this, I think that I will gradually be able to understand more about the functions of dierentiation-control genes that originate in ancestral unicellular organisms. The location or country where I conduct my research is not a priority for me. I prefer to focus on what I want to nally accomplish and choose research themes that interest me. Approximately 1,400 international students from countries around the world are currently studying at Kobe University. In this corner, our international students introduce their native countries and offer some insights on studying abroad in Japan.Sun Zhengkuan1st year doctoral student studying biology in the Graduate School of Science.Hailing from Qingdao in China’s Shandong Province, his hobbies are travelling and playing the keyboard. He has previously studied abroad in England and Australia too. One of his favorite Japanese foods is sashimi. . Fundamental research for the future: Investigating how organisms develop their anatomical structures17EDUCATION

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