Kobe University Newsletter Kaze Vol.10

Why “Kaze”? There are two main concepts behind the title “Kaze”, meaning “wind”. Firstly, Kobe University’s goal to innovate, creating a wind of change. Secondly, our location at the foot of Mt Rokkō, an area known for the invigorating wind of Rokkō-oroshi that blows down from the mountain range. The calligraphy on the cover of “Kaze” was created by Professor Emeritus UOZUMI Kazuaki, a researcher of calligraphy at Kobe University.Contact us: intl-relations@oce.kobe-u.ac.jp (International Aairs Planning Division)  Stay connected - search for “Kobe University” on the following platforms:9 Expanding horizons of insect ecology research   -The thrilling discovery of a beetle’s active escape through a frog’s body-RESEARCH AT KOBE3 Redening the role of universities in the COVID-19 eraKobe University Magazine “Kaze”In this issue...SPOTLIGHT02EDUCATIONSTUDENT FEATURE17 International Voices 13 Astronomia: Giving children the opportunity to observe the starsINTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION15 Kobe University- Beijing Foreign Studies University Joint Symposium, KAARb International Symposium, Visegrad Project Workshop, Visit from the EU Delegation to Japan, Kobe Japanese Program January Session, 2021 Kobe University Winter Study Program: Real-time online lecture on Japanese cinema

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