Kobe University Newsletter Kaze Vol.10

Redening the role of universities in the COVID-19 era 03SPOTLIGHT In the past year, the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has become a worldwide pandemic and the spread of this virus is having a profound impact on Japanese society as well. One of Kobe University’s missions is to conduct research, surveys and other eorts into resolving corona-related issues in order to surmount the threats posed by this virus, and present and promote these results both domestically and abroad. The university has recognized that overcoming these dicult circumstances requires varied contributions that transcend the boundary between the sciences and humanities. Eorts to tackle the virus are not limited to the eld of medicine but also include science and technology, humanities and social sciences, educational support and volunteer activities. There are currently over 50 projects underway at the university relating to the novel coronavirus including research and support eorts. In July 2020, the ‘Kobe University ‘With COVID-19’ symposium: Considering how society can coexist with novel coronavirus’ was held. This online event introduced Kobe University’s research and survey projects related to upcoming infection prevention policies. Subsequently, these projects surpassed the development stageWhile remaining actively engaged with the current circumstances and needs of society, Kobe University is taking streamlined and decisive action across many areas in order to get projects past the developmental stage, accelerate research, expedite social implementation and set up educational support. We interviewed Kobe University faculty from 4 academic areas (humanities and human sciences, social sciences, natural sciences, and life and medical sciences) to nd out about the eorts being made in each eld to tackle the novel coronavirus. A multidisciplinary approach to solving corona-related issues yields varied contributions

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