神戸大学 練習船 海神丸

 This ship serves as a training facility in the development of mariners engaged in duties as ship personnel on international shipping routes and global leaders of oceans and vessels with maritime literacy, as well as serving as an education and research facility for students at our university and students and researchers at other universities and institutions in learning and developing cutting-edge science and technology related to deep-sea exploration and the atmosphere and marine environments. Our intended aim is for this ship to become an indispensable offshore educational facility that ensures success in the development of human resources who can make the leap to the international community and contribute to global society, and leads the world in marine research. In consideration of our intended aims, this ship offers a platform for excellence in all its educational facilities, safety and environmental performance features, and provides a disaster rescue function in times of emergency.facilities, research facilities, living The ship is equipped with a bow thruster and stern thruster in order to improve the maneuverability at low-speed in the navigationfor research and observation. (1)電気推進用推進電動機を装備。Equipped with a propulsion motor forelectric propulsion.(2)調査観測時(船速6ノット)において、プロペラはキャビテーションが発生しないように設計。The propeller is designed to prevent fromcavitation being generated in the navigationfor research and observation with a shipspeed 6 knots.本船は、国際航路の船舶職員として従事する海技士と、海洋リテラシーを備えた海・船に関するグローバルリーダーを育成するとともに本学およびこれを共同利用する大学等の学生ならびに研究者が広く海洋底探査・大気海洋環境に係る最先端の科学技術を学び、研究することを目的とした練習船であり、国際社会に飛躍して社会貢献を果たす人材を輩出し、また海洋研究で世界をリードするために不可欠な洋上教育施設となるよう計画されている。これらの利用目的に照らし、教育設備、研究設備、居住設備、安全性および環境性能のすべてに優れ、さらに、緊急時における災害救援機能も有している。 (1)良好な推進性能、耐航性を持たせるため、重心高さに配慮し、また、船首船型はバルバスバウを採用。For the ship to have good propulsive andsea keeping performance, the height ofcenter of gravity is designed carefully, andthe bulbous bow is adopted.(2)プロペラによる起振力及びキャビテーションを抑制するため、船尾にもバルブ型船型を採用。The stern bulb is adopted to reduce the propeller-induced excitation force and the propeller cavitation. (3)ソナードームに配置された音響機器の性能発揮のため、船首形状は気泡の発生を抑制する形状を採用。The hull form around bow area is carefullydesigned to suppress generation of airbubbles for sailing for the underwateracoustic apparatus, which are arranged inthe sonar dome intensively, to exhibit goodperformance during the navigation forresearch and observation.(4)調査観測時における低速航行時操縦性を向上させるため、バウスラスタ及びスタンスラスタを装備。I 基本性能  Basic Performance 1.船型及び船体諸性能Hull form and dynamic and staticperformance of the ship2.水中放射雑音の低減Reducing of the underwater radiationnoise海神丸の機能・特長 FUNCTIONS AND FEATURES

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