KOBE UNIVERSITY Graduate School of Health Sciences 2022

This department is dedicated for an integrated discipline consisted of many kinds of occupations conducting development and practice of Medical and Health system based on local communities, addressing the resolution of various health problems and engaging in research for medical and health issues which should be urgently dealt with and their causes. Our goal is to cultivate high-lev-el medical professions oriented to both of Japan and Asia competent in practicing comprehensive healthcare in a global point of view and global leaders specialized in medical treatment, health, public hygiene and infection diseases capable of overcoming various problems in the international society and to be a research center for health science practicing devoted for investigation of health issues of the country and overseas.particular, our research focuses on diabetes and respiratory disorders.Teaching Staff Prof. :Hisafumi YASUDA, Akira ISHIKAWAOur division consists of researchers specializing in virology, bacteriolo-gy, parasitology and clinical medicine. We conduct a pioneering research at the cutting edge of medical science and contribute to innovations in the fields of infectious disease epidemiology, infection control measures, pathogen diagnostics, vaccine development and new drug discovery. Our laboratories are providing excellent educational opportunities for the world-class students.Teaching Staff Prof. :Masanori KAMEOKAThe perspective of global health is essential to achieve "Health For All" and/or "Universal Health Coverage" as slogans of UN/WHO. The problems of emerging infectious diseases, natural disaster, and environ-mental degradation are not closed within the nation, but easily spreading over the world through transportation of materials and people. On the other side, the people who have to live under the unaccustomed environ-ment and foreign culture through international labor migration or other kinds of migration are increasing, which brought the needs of transcultur-al primary care. Under such circumstances, through the researches conducted within the nation and abroad, our division is tackling with the problem finding and solution activity in various field and clinical settingsTeaching Staff Prof. :Minato NAKAZAWA, Mitsuaki MATSUIIn Teaching Staff Prof. :Hisako IZUMI, Noriyuki NISHIMURA, Rei ONOAssociate Prof. :Kimiko NAKAYAMAAssociate Prof. :Hideyuki IRIKO, Katsumi SHIGEMURAProf. :Toshiro SHIRAKAWAAssociate Prof. :Kazuhiro IZAWA, Sayaka KOTERA(Graduate School of Science, Technology and Innovation)GlobalInfectiousDiseasesGlobalHealthDepartment of PublicHealth

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