英文概覧 Discover Kobe U

Students who wish to conduct specifi c research on a non-credit basis may enter Kobe University as research students by obtaining approval from the appropriate faculty or graduate school. Many of those who enroll as research students do so to enhance their academic ability to the level suffi cient for admission to master’s or doctoral programs off ered by the respective advisors or professors at Kobe University.Kobe University is conducting intensive exchanges for education and research with partner universities and institutions overseas, which enrich the academic environment on campus. Kobe University currently has 382 partner institutions in 64 countries and regions across the globe.Kobe University off ers language and culture study programs for students of select partner universities and a range of summer schools, organized by our graduate schools, to open new perspectives to the participants.Kobe University off ers Japanese language and Japanese studies courses for international students to suit various levels of language ability and study aims. Students can choose classes that meet their needs from the three types of classes listed below.• Integrated Japanese language classes• Japanese language and Japanese studies classes• Intensive Japanese language courses13Health carecenterCultural exchangeand language learningopportunitiesResearch promotionand coordinationAccommodationChildcare andwork-life balanceadvisoryInternationalstudentsadvisorySupportNon-degree students Research studentsExchange studentsSummer schools& short-termprogramsJapanese classes

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