foAYas6undedinutoNISHIZUKmiThe history of Kobe University is closely tied to the development of the international port city of Kobe. In 1868, the Meiji government opened Kobe Port, and the city began to grow as an international hub.Before this background, the Kobe Higher Commercial School was established in 1902 to train personnel capable of handling foreign trade and even Kobe Hospital was originally established to treat foreign residents.The Kobe Higher Commercial School has since evolved into Kobe University, formally established as such in 1949, and Kobe Hospital has become the university hospital. But even with its international outlook, the university maintains deep ties with the local community, also evidenced by its commitment to community recovery after the 1995 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. Thus, the university is a symbol of the international port city of Kobe.Kyoto Prize 1992Lasker Award 1989Order of Culture 19881902Our history
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