■Early October■Late DecemberWinter Vacation (until Early January)■Late March■April■Early August■Late SeptemberEntrance Ceremony / Beginning of Fall SemesterEnd of Fall Semester / Spring Vacation (until Early April)Beginning of Spring SemesterSummer Vacation (until Late September)End of Spring Semester / Graduation Ceremony博士課程前期課程 英語コース Master's Course in English Program(a) Japanese Grant Aid for Human Resource Development Scholarship (JDS)(b) Indonesia Professional Human Resources Development Program IV (PHRDP-4, Linkage (c) ADB- Japan Scholarship Program (ADB-JSP)Program)Academic Calendar13ス(博士課程前期課程)を設置しました。これらは2006年10月から、前後期一貫の開発政策特別コースになりました。前期課程の入学対象者は、 学部課程を終えた日本語を母語としない一般学生のほか、各国の政府職員や大学教員などの社会人です。後期課程は3年間で学位を授与される可能性の高い者にのみ進学・入学が許可されています。修了生は公務員、教員、ジャーナリストや企業人として、社会の発展に寄与することが期待されています。Special AdmissionApplicants must satisfy the requirements for general admission.However, those who apply in accordance with the double degree programs established by GSICS or those who have been granted a scholarship from the following programs are eligible for special admission.特色日本の政府開発援助(ODA)が人づくりに重点を移してきたこともあり、諸外国、とりわけ開発途上国からの留学生を対象にした教育へのニーズが高まりました。また、国際社会でもっとも広く使用されている言語は英語であり、英語を母国語としない国の多くで第一外国語として学習されています。こうした状況に鑑みて、本研究科は留学生が英語によって学位を取得できるよう、1999年に開発協力特別コース(博士課程後期課程)を、2002年に国際協力英語コーEligibility for AdmissionGeneral AdmissionOnly applicants who are not of Japanese nationality and can obtain a student visa for enrollment may apply to the Master's Course in English Program (the Special Course for Development Policy). Distinctive FeaturesIn an effort to better meet the requirements of a changing world and to make our unique multidisciplinary academic environment available to as many students as possible, GSICS developed a Master’s Program in English for international students where all instruction is conducted in English. As rapid globalization encompasses more and more of the world, English has become an essential aspect of international cooperation in Japan, as well as in many other countries. Moreover, in recent years, the Japanese government has given increasingly high priority in its ODA policy to the development of human resources.The Program in English seeks to meet the needs of both the international community and Japan. It takes an interdisciplinary approach, emphasizing not only the study of basic areas such as economic development, political development, international law and international relations, but also the ways these disciplines intersect and relate to one another.It is hoped that graduates of the program will become experts in their fields, and will contribute toward the development of their countries and international society.
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