神戸大学大学院 国際協力研究科 2023

●The Influence of Parents' Socio-Economic Status on Children's Cognitive Development in Ethiopia ●Wildfires, Pollution, and Pregnancy Outcomes: Evidence from Lightning-Initiated Wildfires ●アフリカの国内避難民保護条約採択における専門家の役割 ●外国語教育における国際理解教育の役割に関する教員の認識:日本の小学校を対象に ●協同学習が学習者の学力と情意に与える効果に関する研究:日本の高校英語授業での実践を通して ●神戸市の多文化共生の推進について -KICCの事例研究を中心に- ●災害時の居住支援における孤立問題の制度的原因と克服へ向けた選択肢の研究 ●Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth for the Developing Countries - Role of Institutional Quality ●Input-Output Analysis of Tourism - Dependent Developing Economies ●Relationships between Financial Development and Income Inequality: Evidence from Enterprise Credit Structure ●Remittances, Natural Disasters and Poverty: Does Remittance Reduce Poverty in Ghana? ●The Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on Foreign Direct Investment: Empirical Evidence from Low and Middle Income Countries ●The Impact of Rainfall on Human Capital Accumulation in India ●The Impact of Regional and Industrial Loan Portfolio Concentration on the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Compliance Ratio 27 ●The Relationship between Structural Transformation and Income Inequality: Effect of Manufacturing-Driven Structural ●インドにおける国内送金に関する研究 -送受金者の属性についての分析- ●子供の性別構成と女性の自律性の関係 -ザンビアの事例より- ●発展途上国における零細企業向けマイクロファイナンスの拡大とその貧困削減効果Parishads in Bhola DistrictInput Subsidy Programme in Malawiin the Philippine Banking IndustryTransformation on Welfare in Ghana   Titles of Master's Theses修士論文題目 国際学修士 Master of International Studies ●A Community Based Hazard Information System: Lessons Learned from Landslide Affected Areas of Hiroshima Prefecture ●An Analysis of Disadvantaged Children's Access to Primary Education in Indonesia ●Analysis of School Facilities on Students' Academic Achievement in Malawian Primary Education ●Disaster Preparedness of Students, Teachers, and Parents at Elementary School in Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia ●Effectiveness of a Community Hazard Map Creation; Lessons Learned from Hiroshima Landslide Survey ●Local Governments' Preparedness to Implement Educational Decentralization Reforms in Bangladesh: A Study of Three Union 経済学修士 Master of Economics ●Aid, FDI and Firms' Growth ●An Analysis of Primary School Dropout in Bangladesh ●An Analysis of School-based Management on Learning Achievements in Senegal Primary Education ●Analysis of Preschool Attendance or Child Development Outcomes in Rural Bangladesh ●Analysis of Refugees on Pupil's English Achievement in Uganda ●Analysis of the Association among Household Environments, Preschool Environments, and School Readiness in Ghana ●Clustering Analysis of Multidimensional Poverty in Central Java, Indonesia ●Dose Real Estate Loan Concentration Affect Financial Institutions' Profit and Risk? A Case Study of Cambodia ●Estimating Returns to Education in Vietnam by Non-Linear Control Function Approach ●Ethnic Differences in the Labor Market Opportunity and Outcome: The Case of Peru ●Exploring the Relationship between Resource Allocation and Consumption Levels within Local Communities: A Case Study of Farm 修士論文・博士論文 Theses/Dissertations

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