計 Total学生数 Students 近年、世界で起こる問題は、政治・経済のみならず、人権や環境などが多様な文脈において複雑に絡み合っています。GSICSでは、これらの問題を解き明かすための基礎的な知識から実践的、理論的な知識を培うことができ、自身の興味関心を様々な側面から理解・分析することが出来ます。また、GSICSには英語コースがあることから、多くの留学生が在籍しています。授業を通して留学生と議論できる点も魅力の一つです。ぜひ皆さんもGSICSで一緒に勉強してみませんか。In recent years, problems in the world have become complicated not only in terms of politics and economy, but also in various contexts such as human rights and the environment. GSICS allows you to develop the fundamental, practical, and theoretical knowledge to solve these problems, and to understand/analyze your interests in various ways. GSICS also has many foreign students as it has the English course. One of the attractions is that we can discuss many things with foreign students through the classes. If you are interested, why don't you come study at GSICS with us?StudentMessageGSICS aims to foster talented people capable of playing an active role on the international stage who, through a wide range of activities, will contribute to the development of the international community. Pursuant to this goal, the graduate school education and research promoted by faculty members individually and collectively emphasizes interdisciplinary qualities, expertise, and practicality.Aiming towards the realization of an international community rooted in mutual understanding and respect for human rights, GSICS promotes the integration of education, research and social contribution. In keeping with this philosophy, we seek the following applicants:Applicants are sought with the following qualities and abilities:1. Students with an understanding of and interest in international cooperation.[Required competences: knowledge, skills, critical thinking, good judgement, expressiveness, interest, and motivation]2. Students with the ability to understand and adapt to different cultures.[Required competences: knowledge, skills, critical thinking, good judgement, expressiveness, interest, and motivation]3. Students with the desire and natural aptitude to contribute to international development and the development of the international community.[Required competences: knowledge, skills, initiative, cooperativeness, interest, and motivation]Studies 計 Total入学定員は後期課程23。留学生と社会人数は内数。※社会人特別入試入学者、有職者、退職者及び主婦を含む。 Those who were enrolled after passing the Special Entrance 計 Total(留学生/International Students)(社会人/Working Adults) ※入学定員は前期課程70。留学生と社会人数は内数。※社会人特別入試での入学者。 Those who were enrolled after passing the Special Entrance 計 Total(留学生/International Students)(社会人/Working Adults) ※StudentMessageExamination for Adults.Examination for Adults. Working adults, retirees and housewives/househusbands are also included.7065(45)(28)(5)(1)151236(7)(5)(9)(8)(2)(16)前期課程 Master's Course1年 M12年 M2後期課程 Doctoral Course1年 D12年 D23年 D3計 Total135(73)(6)63(21)(26)国際学International 学 術Philosophy経済学Economics法 学Laws政治学Political Science学位授与者数 Degrees AwardedIt was an unforgettable experience for me to complete the master's program and receive the master's degree of political science at GSICS. With the help of first-class professors and the multicultural perspectives of fellow students, I completed my master's thesis on culture and public diplomacy. The valuable knowledge and skills I acquired strengthened my determination to study political science as a long-term career, so I firmly chose to continue to study for my doctorate at GSICS from April. I believe a fruitful journey to deepen the understanding of cultural logic for social development in GSICS is waiting for me.For prospective students who are ready to broaden their international horizons, I believe GSICS definitely offers a rich and rewarding academic and cultural experiences.Master's Dgree(2023年4月1日現在/As of April 1st, 2023)5858872582611,991Doctoral Dgree79702036205修士 博士 3神戸大学大学院国際協力研究科は、国際舞台で活躍できる優秀な人材を育成し、さまざまな活動を通じて国際社会の発展に貢献することを目標としています。この目標のもとに、各教員が共同体制のもとで学際性、専門性、実践性を重視した大学院教育および研究を進めています。本研究科は、相互理解と人権尊重に基づく国際社会の実現に向け、教育、研究、さらには社会貢献活動を、互いに連携させながら推進してゆきます。この理念のも と、次のような学生を求めています。●国際協力研究科博士課程前期課程・後期課程の求める学生像 1.国際協力に対する理解と関心をもつ人材〔求める要素:知識・技能、思考力・判断力・表現力、関心・意欲〕 2.異文化に対する理解力ならびに適応能力をもった人材〔求める要素:知識・技能、思考力・判断力・表現力、関心・意欲〕 3.国際開発を含む国際社会の発展に貢献する意欲と素質をもった人材〔求める要素:知識・技能、主体性・協働性、関心・意欲〕Admission Policy松田 寛季MATSUDA Hiroki博士課程前期課程Master’s CourseSun Yan博士課程後期課程Doctoral Course アドミッション·ポリシー
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