神戸大学大学院 国際文化学研究科 2024-2025

研究科への招待国際交流CoursesnvitationI15 Specialized CoursesAkira UTSUMI, Invited ProfessorSubjects: Special lecture on Advanced CommunicationSubjects: Advanced CommunicationHidenobu SUMIOKA, Invited Associate ProfessorHidenobu Sumioka, Invited Associate ProfessorSubjects: Special lecture on Advanced Communication compositionSubjects: Advanced CommunicationStudents' research themesactions, body language and paralanguage play in communication? How can we make use of these in studying foreign languages? The Advanced Communication course is dedicated to using the latest technology to examine these issues, opening new possibilities for communication.Joint Research with: Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR)Doctoral program: · The role of presenting visualized articulatory gesture in English educationCarlos Toshinori ISHI, Invited ProfessorSubjects: Advanced CommunicationSubjects: Advanced CommunicationResearch fields: Multimodal speech communication, paralinguistics, human-robot dialogue interaction.Graduate School of Intercultural Studies|57 Advanced Communication (Joint Research Course in Doctoral Program)The increasing problem of cultural friction as well as the matter of coexistence with robots, which is a concern we will face in the near future, is nothing

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