GUIDE TO NAGOYA UNIVERSITY 2025 18Would you like to participate in an exciting and life-changing summer camp? You will have such an opportunity at Nagoya University. The summer camp at Nagoya University has been widely praised as one of the most successful active learning programs in higher education! At the camp you will get to learn some of the most important academic skills, including how to (i) think logically for research, (ii) write a clear and convincing academic paper, (iii) communicate and present effectively in English, (iv) work together with people of different disciplines, nationalities, and universities.Every year the camp will be held at a beautiful and relaxed campsite in the mountain areas of Nagano prefecture. You will meet friends coming from different backgrounds. While spending wonderful time together, you will learn how to support each other to achieve common goals. All the learning activities are conducted within a team setting. You will work with three or four members within a group throughout the four-day camp to compete with other groups for a top prize. Through the collective efforts and mutual support, you will naturally become more active and confident in learning.For more information about the camp, please google “Mei-Writing summer camp”. We are certain that after you experience the summer camp, you will become more active and positive about your studies and life. Do join us if you can. You will never feel bored or lonely at the camp! We look forward to welcoming you on campus in the next spring!Multi-disciplinary seminar “Studium Generale”.The course name “Studium Generale” comes from Latin (“General Course”) and is a concept that has existed in universities across Europe for several hundred years, still preserved in many German universities today. This “general course” aims to expose students to a wide range of ideas. At Nagoya University Studium Generale is a unique immersion program into multiple disciplines, in an English-language-based environment. The course offers topics from various scientific/social fields presented in an accessible way. Every class the speaker and the topic are different ‒ from physics, to gender equality, to cell biology, to arts, to history and business or careers. Not only the topics are multi-disciplinary, the class environment is multi-disciplinary and multicultural: the course is open to all undergraduate students at Nagoya University and Gifu University, including the international G30 program students. Students get to meet people from very different background while engaging in small group discussions and team projects. In one short semester students become comfortable with interdisciplinary topics in a multi-cultural environment and expand their horizons! Since 2020 the course is conducted entirely online. This allows students from any campus to participate equally. The course is also open to students without credit, as an Open Course. Once at Nagoya University, make sure to give it a try!教養教育院が提供するユニークな授業のいくつかをご紹介しましょう教養教育院が提供している授業の中から、人気の科目を2つ紹介しましょう。超学部セミナーの1つ「Summer Camp」と、国際理解科目の「Studium Generale」です。どちらもすべて英語で行われる授業で、いながらにして「プチ留学体験」を味わうことができます。■ Summer Camp■ Studium Generale
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