東北大学 令和5年度(2023年度)特別選抜入学試験学生募集要項 国際バカロレア入試

4. Comments (Enter only if the applicant desires the Faculty of Arts and Letters, Faculty of Science, School of Medicine, School of Pharmaceutical Science, School of Engineering, or Faculty of Agriculture. Also, if the applicant desires the Faculty of Arts and Letters, School of Medicine, School of Engineering, or Faculty of Agriculture, please comment on his/her academic work.) 5. Applicant's Character (Enter only if the applicant desires the Faculty of Arts and Letters, School of Medicine, School of Pharmaceutical Science, School of Engineering, or Faculty of Agriculture) (a) Describe the applicant's abilities/capabilities (comprehension, motivation, creativity, planning skills, intuition, logical thinking abilities etc.). (b) Describe the applicant's character/behavior (initiative, determination, ambition, sense of responsibility, curiosity, public spiritedness etc.).

元のページ  ../index.html#51
