富山大学 工学部 2019 CAMPUS GUIDE

環境応用化学科3年 越山 輝さん(長野県出身)Environmental Applied Chemistry (3rd year) KOSHIYAMA Akira (From Nagano)電気電子システム工学科4年 生川 菜々さん(三重県出身)Electric and Electronic Engineering (4th year) NARUKAWA Nana (From Mie)専門性の高い実験・実習を経験3rd year年次多くのコースでは2年次までの取得単位数により進級が認められます。各分野のコース専門科目の授業が中心で、本格的な実験も始まります。4年次の卒業研究のための研究室を決めるために、仮配属や見学なども行います。卒業研究と進む道を決める1年4th year年次研究室に所属し、卒業研究を行います。これまで学んだ基礎的能力をもとに自主性、創造性及びプレゼンテーション能力を身につけます。卒業後の進路を見据えて、就職活動や大学院進学のための勉強も必要です。In many courses, students are promoted to the next grade by earning required credits in the 1st and 2nd year. Specialized subjects are core study of the course, and actual laboratory work begins. Students have opportunity to temporary join the laboratory to decide own laboratory in their 4th year as a graduation research.Students belong to laboratory and conduct a graduation research to grow self-determination skills, creativity, and presentation skills. Students also need to design their own career path and prepare for the future.Experience highly specialized experiments and exercisesA year for graduation research and choosing career path就職Get a jobAbout 50% go on to graduate school大学院への進学約50%が大学院へ進学工学部の4年間は基礎を学ぶところからスタートします。専門分野の知識を深め、実験・実習、卒業研究などを通じて理解力、応用力、問題解決能力を育みます。豊かな人間性と広い視野をもち、グローバルに活躍できる技術者を目指します。4 years of the Faculty of Engineering begins with the basic studies of engineering. Students will deepen specialized knowledge and acquire skills of understanding, applying, and problem-solving through experiments, practical training, and graduation research. Students strive to become an engineer who can take part in global society with enriched humanity and wide perspective.P.40P.3813

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