新潟県立大学 2020年度 海外研修・留学の手引き

研修先での学びThis English intensive programme (EIP) course focus on communication and study skills in an academic environment, language for specic purposes, cultural awareness, and social interaction. Course levels range from beginner to advanced. Classroom activities integrate listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills. Grammar and vocabulary are taught in the context of authentic language use.Students will be grouped together with other UNP students. For outings, students will be mixed with other international students from the EIP program.海外英語研修A●対象学年●対象学部●研修先大学・機関●研修期間●最少プログラム催行人数●最大プログラム催行人数●担当教員2年生以上全学部オタワ大学(Ocial Languages and   Bilingualism Institute)2月中旬~3月下旬、5週間12人特に定めないCookオタワ(2020年度実施)対象学年2年生以上対象学部全学部……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………研修先での生活と参加費用○学習内容○クラス編成○学習時間4-skills,academic language learning一般の留学生との混合週21時間程度○滞在先○研修費用(渡航費等を含む)… 50~60万円程度 (研修参加人数により変動あり。国内移動費は別)ホームステイ研修先での学びIn this program, students travel as a group to Saint Mary's University in Halifax, Canada from mid-February to late March. Students will learn about Canadian history,culture and lifestyle while improving their English.Students from UNP will study together in a class in the morning, but they will join elective classes with students from other universities and other countries in the afternoon. There are about 25 hours per week of class time. There are normally 3 activities per week(2 afternoon activities and 1 all day activity). The activities include visits to museums and historical places, winter sports activities, social events, and tours of famous places in Halifax. Students will stay in a homestay while they are in Halifax.The program cost may change slightly every year, but it will be approximately ¥550,000(¥400,000 for the program, ¥150,000 for the ight to Canada). This includes school fees, home stay(with 3 meals per day), activity fees, and local transportation in Halifax. This does not include insurance, transportation to and from the airport in Japan, and personal spending money in Canada. This program requires a minimum of 10 participants.海外英語研修A●対象学年●対象学部●研修先大学・機関●研修期間●最少プログラム催行人数●最大プログラム催行人数●担当教員2年生以上全学部セントメアリーズ大学2月中旬~3月下旬、5週間10人特に定めないBrownハリファックス(2021年度実施)対象学年2年生以上対象学部全学部……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………研修先での生活と参加費用○学習内容○クラス編成○学習時間英語・カナダの歴史、文化など。午前:本学の学生のみ午後:他の留学生との混合クラス等週25時間程度○滞在先○研修費用(渡航費等を含む)… 55万円程度(国内移動費は別)ホームステイ、1人部屋長 期長 期07

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